artist statement

I am a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music with a background as a cellist. I work with a combination of acoustic, analog, and digital technologies to create immersive sonic experiences that provide space and time for presence, reflection, and critical thought. Whether composing for an acoustic ensemble with electronics or performing with modular synthesizers, my creative practice balances my innate curiosity with rigorously refined craft. I gravitate towards explorations and extensions of instrumental timbre, the beauty and musical potential of commonplace found sounds, and the abstraction of pressing sonic gestures. Each new project incorporates the remains and influence of past experiences, both musical and non.

In 2021, I began incorporating live performance and improvisation with hardware synthesizers and digital audio workstations into my creative practice. Though I'm primarily a composer, my earliest musical experiences were as a performer. I thrive in the immediacy of the sonic experience that performance provides: unlike my work in notated music, being able to hear and react to my output in real time drives my process forward into new yet connected territories. I also palpably feel the impermanence of working with synthesis; the patch I generate will likely not be recreated exactly the same way, so I have to experience it deeply in the moment. I've always felt that when I work with sound, I am discovering rather than creating. This feeling is especially strong when I am creating and improvising in real time.

Photo Credit Jill Steinberg